
EFF the United Nations!

By John W. Lillpop

Today’s Borderfire.com report includes what would be an amusing report, were it not so dismally stupid, from the U.N. which “orders” nations of the world to feed, house, provide health care for, blah,blah,blah to migrants in “irregular situations.”

See the full report at reference 1.

Irregular presumably including the situation 12-38 million non-English speaking interlopers now squatting in America find themselves in—they are invading criminals!

The report ridicules states like Arizona for focusing too much on sovereignty, border security and other heathen practices.


Wonder if the morons at the U.N. have sent the dim-witted officials in Mexico a copy of the latest “marching orders”?

Hurry, U.N. and you might get Mexico to stop building a border fence to keep disenfranchised Guatemalans out of Mexico!

Oh, and have you U.N. fascists seen the most recent report from Amnesty International which exposes Mexico’s habit of raping and murdering illegal aliens from south of its borders?

The report in which Mexico is called a human rights disaster?

When you get down to it, asking folks to confirm their immigration status, as mandated by SB 1070 in Arizona, seems rather mild compared to rape or murder!

But then again, what in the hell does the U.N. know about anything, but stealing from wealthy nations like the U.S.?

In due consideration of the integrity of the U.N. and Mexico, let this new report be greeted with all the respect due it:

F the United Nations and Mexico! Forever!

Reference: http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2010/sep/u-s-warned-respect-illegal-immigrants-rights