
Six Days. And Counting

By John W. Lillpop

On the morning of November 5, 2008, conservatives knew that something had gone terribly wrong on election day, and that our blessed nation had lost its way.

America had somehow veered abruptly to the extreme left.

Conservatives also knew that the four years to follow, particularly the two prior to the mid-term elections in 2010, would be trying, if not unbearable.

After all, America had elected the most liberal president in U.S. history and bolstered his newly acquired power by electing Democrat majorities in both chambers of Congress, each to be run by an ultra- liberal.

There was to be no oversight. It was all liberal, all the time.

Alas, the past 23 months have been far worse than this commentator dared imagine.

With no gate keeper to prevent the corruption that inevitably accompanies absolute power, Barack Obama and his leftist colleagues ripped into American history, culture, and values with an eye to changing everything.

Slowly, but surely, the American people started to awaken to the awful reality: We had elected an inexperienced, anti-American, ego maniacal, rank amateur to the U.S. presidency, a position that requires professional knowledge and skill, and a ferocious pro-American attitude, none of which Barack Obama owns.

We compounded the problem by electing far-left radicals to serve in the Congress.

The nightmare that was ushered into our lives on November 4, 2008 is about to end, if not totally, at least substantially.

Regardless of the exact numbers, the Obama experiment will be rebuked by a disillusioned, but much enlightened, American electorate.

Six days. And counting.