
Securing the Borders With Mexico Is Not Nearly Enough!

By John W. Lillpop

Led astray by the likes of George W. Bush, John McCain, Newt Gingrich and other damnable RINOs, the Republican Party has become a despicable source of advocates for tens of millions of illegal aliens and those opposed, in principal, to the Rule of Law.

Only Democrats like President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and the DNC are more anti-American in their perspectives than contemporary RINOs.

But while anarchy and lack of patriotic fervor are brand names long associated with the Democrat Party, at least the left is open and honest about their treachery: The liberal wanderlust for Hispanics of the illegal alien variety is all about votes and power.

To hell with American culture, language, and values! To those who bring a bitter hatred of all things American into the fray, whittling the Anglo-Saxon demographic down to size while installing a multicultural, non-white majority is not just acceptable: To the deluded left, it is imperative!

Republicans are even less principled: For the most part, the GOP tries to maintain a facade of Rule of Law toughness, while privately pimping out to big business, the Chamber of Commerce, and all who would profit on the backs of illiterate peasants from south of our borders.

In employing this sinister scheme, Republicans use a law and order ruse: They demand that the borders be secured before immigration reform is even considered.

This argument obscures the obvious truth: With as many as 12 million freeloading, scam-artists of Latino descent already here, securing the borders is not nearly enough!

Twelve million is a huge number!

In contrast, the total world population of Jews is about 13 million, including the good people of Israel!

There are more total illegal aliens in America than in each of the 50 states except for Texas, Illinois, California, Florida, and New York!

Repeat: In 45 of the states, the population is less than the number of illegal aliens in the U.S.!

How can any civilized society hope to survive in the light of such ignorance of law and order?

Obviously, no society can continue to prosper with such pathetic commitment to its cultural and social heritage.

The ONLY hope for America is to round up and deport even last illegal alien, all 12 million of the invading criminals.

That will not be easy—still it must be done to preserve what is left of America as the last hope for all of humanity!
