
Hope and Change Downgraded to “Get Used to It”?

By John W. Lillpop

Just three short years ago, Barack Obama captured the White House with a slick smile, a distracted media, $750 million dollars, and a “Hope and Change” mantra that froze millions into believing that anything was possible.

We can do it!, YES, we can! and other meaningless slogans inspired millions to vote blindly for an unknown entity at a time when the nation and the world needed real leadership and intelligence.

Instead of well-reasoned plans for dealing with an economy in meltdown and other cataclysmic catastrophes, Candidate Obama snookered millions with double-talk and hollow promises which he could not possibly keep. The fact that an African-American had emerged from the streets of Chicago with no known criminal record and, more importantly, no Negro dialect was all that millions needed to hear in order to make up their unsteady minds.

The fact that Harry Reid and Joe Biden were among the snookered says a lot about the current state of affairs in American politics, and even more about the dismal state of doings in the once proud Democrat Party.

Expecting mainstream liberal media to do anything but heap unwarranted praise on a black leftist running for the presidency was par for the course. Naively, some expected the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate to be more probing; all were bitterly disappointed.

Back in the day when the name Obama caused thrills to run up and down the legs of Democrat operatives posing as objective journalists, there was a universal, yet myopic, view that one’s mortgage and car payments would be beaten into submission by the newly arrived Messiah from Illinois, Hawaii, Kenya, or wherever the hell he was from.

As the story went, elect Obama and the greedy banks and other purveyors of high crime would be kicked to the ground in favor of lending a hand to the “little people” of the world; i.e., those voiceless, powerless, and as we now know, mindless minions, who generally loathe work and pay no taxes.

Alas, the old slogan, “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!” has particular relevance to the performance of Barack Obama.

This insight became very clear when Obama faced anxious questions about the ever-escalating price of gasoline, a commodity used to excess by both the wealthy and not-so-wealthy.

After acknowledging the financial pain that gasoline headed toward $5 a gallon would inflict on the poor, Obama sort of retreated from his uplifting rhetoric concerning “Hope and Change.”

Indeed, the words of wisdom from the Messiah concerning outrageous gasoline prices was “Get used to it.”

Get used to it? But what about the little people, small business folk, and the ever-elusive recovery?

When it comes to gasoline prices, the new slogan apparently is “Get used to it.”

So much for Hope and Change!