
Why Would Any Rational American Vote for This Woman?

By John W. Lillpop

In short order, the American people will have the opportunity to register their views about the CHANGE hysteria, the depressed economy, and the gutting of America defenses at the ballot box.

Due diligence is called for on the part of voters. Neglect of this vital function could make things even worse. All voters must know the issues and the candidates before voting.

A special shout out goes to the 8th Congressional District in California. Folks there will be asked to decide the fate of a candidate who believes:

* Investigations are needed to determine the source of funding
for groups that advocate positions that she does not agree with

* Abortion is acceptable because the Catholic Fathers have
never taken a position on the issue

* Holy scripture obligates politicians to fight on behalf of invading criminals who ignore our borders and laws and who cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year

* Enforcing US Immigration laws is “un-American”

* Drug rehabilitation is a more effective means for dealing with illicit drugs than securing the borders.

* Those who do not share her views are Nazis and/or racists

The candidate with those odd, un-American beliefs is Nancy Pelosi, currently the Speaker of the U.S. House.

Isn’t it time for San Francisco to come in out of the fog long enough to retire this aging, addled menace?