By John W. Lillpop
Flying the American flag upside down sends an urgent message on behalf of American patriots who love freedom.
That message is simply: Our nation is under attack and is greatly distressed!
Has there ever been a time when American culture, language, and values were in greater danger than at the present time?
With an unbowed, anti-American Marxist in the White House and Marxists in control of the U.S. Senate, the state of our union is precarious and getting worse by the day.
We the people have foolishly elected a president who is bent on destroying capitalism and replacing it with socialism, a bankrupt ideology which has failed everywhere it has been attempted.
Our naive and inexperienced president has wasted trillions of dollars of American treasure, and, in so doing, has driven our national debt to levels not seen since World War 11, a financial disaster that seriously impedes jobs growth and any hope for economic recovery.
This anti-American cretin has taken the side of terrorists in the global war on terror.
He has targeted private enterprise for bankruptcy through government abuse. He has used the tax code to punish successful Americans for being successful.
He has weakened the U.S. military by ignoring the rights and wishes of heterosexuals in order to appease the gay community.
He has ignored the will of the people by ramming Marxist health care down the throats of an unwilling public.
He has enthusiastically participated in the scandalous circumvention of conventional rules and procedures in order to pass ObamaCare.
He continues to ignore the will of the people by promoting an amnesty scheme that would reward invading criminals for violating our borders and immigration laws.
He has taken the side of Mexico by opposing the American state of Arizona and its attempts to deal with illegal immigration, an out-of-control crisis hat he refuses to take responsibility for.
He has failed to grasp the severity of the worst economic disaster in history, thereby making an effective response impossible.
He has made a mockery of America throughout the world with stupid, immature, and naive words and actions that make our once great nation appear weak and second class.
Incompetence aggravated by unimaginable arrogance has rendered Barack Hussein Obama more calamitous to America than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined.
In recognition of what Barack Obama and his Marxist cohorts mean to America, Old Glory should be flown upside down every August 4, his birthday!
God Bless America!