
Downgrading America Will NOT Fix Mexico!

Downgrading America Will NOT Fix Mexico!

John W. Lillpop

Mexico’s “inferiority complex” over being so close to the world’s only super power and most successful society in human history is both understandable and reasonable.

Mexico is a third-world failed state on a par with Pakistan and other second-class nations where poverty and corruption trump human rights and dignity.

As such, it is understandable that Mexican citizens long to escape the oppression and misery of Mexican culture and life.

However, invading the sovereign United States is not acceptable except to liberal Democrats who count on uneducated, non-English speaking aliens to replace Americans whom have finally wised up to the bankruptcy of progressive ideas emanating from the Democrat Party.

For their part, Hispanic racists aim to take over America and supplant American language and culture with that of the Latino.

Its called the browning of America, among other things.

Hispanics actually believe that taking over America will improve their lot. They fail to account for the fact that Hispanics bring with them the failed culture that has devastated Mexico and other lands south of our borders.

What will they do if they succeed in their Reconquesta crusade? When America is essentially downgraded into a third-world mess like Mexico?

There is a vital truth that Hispanic racists must accept: Downgrading America will NOT fix Mexico!