
Secure Borders? Where? For Whom?

By John W. Lillpop

Janet Napolitano is infamous for declaring that the “borders have never been more secure.” That may be the case in some isolated corner of the world, say the North Pole, but it is certainly NOT the case when it comes to the U.S.- Mexico border.

As reported in part at the reference:

A convoy of three military trucks loaded with Mexican soldiers crosses the border at Bridge Number Two clearly violating international law.

It happens as Customs and Border Protection inspectors try to figure out what to do.

A CBP spokesperson says they got on the phone with Mexican authorities after being alerted that the military trucks were heading their direction loaded down with soldiers and weapons.

Mexican leaders say the soldiers, who had just been deployed to Nuevo Laredo, didn't know the area, got lost and then made their way through Bridge Two.

It's important to note that CBP did not tell us about the potentially serious situation. It came from another law enforcement agency.

Some callers to our newsroom were upset inspectors allowed the Mexican military to get so close to all those inspection booths over at Bridge Number Two.

Some noted had it been Mexican drug lords they could have taken inspectors by surprise and easily crossed the international border deeper into the United States.”

What would Napolitano say to the idea that Mexican Drug lords were capable of invading deep into the United States?

Likely response from Obama and Big Sis:
“They are actually ‘Newly Arrived Refugees’ so let’s extend a warm American welcome along with a path to citizenship and immediate registration in the Democrat Party to these abused and misunderstood heroes!”
