
Rep. Weiner Apologizes to Bill Clinton About Sex Scandal!

By John W. Lillpop

According to media reports, Anthony Weiner “has
apologized to former President Bill Clinton who officiated at Weiner's wedding last July. Weiner married a close adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at a lavish ceremony on Long Island.”

Weiner’s apology to Clinton, if factual, raises the question: What the bloody hell?

For if Weiner’s apology was intended to provide the morally befuddled Congressman with a measure of repentance by admitting his transgressions to one who lives by higher spiritual values, then Weiner is even dumber than feared.

Bill Clinton, all-time Democrat champ of sexual scandal and perjury?

Apologizing to Bill Clinton for sexual sins makes as much sense as Jeffrey Dhamer apologizing to Charles Manson for Dahmer’s heinous murders and cannibalizations.

Or for Bill Clinton seeking redemption for his obsessive lying by telling all to the late Richard M. Nixon.

Or for any red-blooded American male guilty of marital infidelity and with serious money crimes in his dossier to seek the release and comfort sure to follow by crying on the shoulder of John Edwards, another tainted Democrat.

What’s the point?

Weiner’s Clinton apology proves that he is clueless about what is, and what is not, generally accepted as “decent” behavior.

Still, some sunshine broke through the persistent overcast in Weiner’s world today. Namely, fellow Democrat Rep. Charles Rangel, an expert on House ethics investigations and censure votes, rushed to Weiner’s defense.

THAT type of support should help nervous Democrats sleep better at night! Right?
