
What Happens When Commander-in-Chief Abandons Post?

By John W. Lillpop

President Barack Obama is fond of “Leading from Behind” when it comes to international conflicts and issues. The fact that Muammar Gaddafi was removed from power at the hands of Libyan opposition forces is cited by Obamamites as proof that the president’s strategy works.

Other presidents would have been accused of ‘abandoning post’ had they failed to lead and engage. However, even after ObamaMania has been dropped by reasonable people for the most part, the liberal media hangs on to the image of Barack as the Messiah, Superman, and Bat Man all rolled into one contemptuous Marxist.

There are exceptions such as the story at the reference which reports on Obama’s golf outing at a time when the Pakistan government has cutoff supply lines to Afghanistan and other crises and near crises boil throughout the globe:

It is an unseasonably warm 65 degrees in the Washington area, and President Obama has bolted out of the White House to go golfing.

It’s his 30th time golfing this year and the 88th golf outing of his presidency.

He’s at the Andrews Air Force base course with one of his usual crew, White House trip director Martin Nicholson, as well as Marvin’s brother Walter and Reggie Love.

Love, who is Obama’s personal assistant – or “body man” – is not usually a golfing companion. So the outing may be a farewell gift to Reggie, who is leaving by the end of the year.”

What of Iran and its pursuit of the nuclear weapon? The wanton slaughter of citizens in Syria? Disruptions in Egypt?

What about the $15 trillion dollar federal debt? Nine percent unemployment?

Obama’s answer? FOUR!
