
Justice in America: Wonderful—When We Agree With the Verdict!

Casey Anthony was released from prison early Sunday morning in a profound affirmation of the “Innocent until proven guilty” benchmark of American jurisprudence.

After three years and a brutal trial in which she was ultimately acquitted of killing her daughter, Casey left the structured confines of a brick and mortar prison to begin a new life as a free woman.

Yet, just how free is Casey?

Her face is immediately recognizable and many Americans consider her guilty of murdering her own child, notwithstanding the verdict of the jury.

National notoriety means that Anthony cannot live anything even resembling a normal life, at least not for the foreseeable future. The mainstream media will hound her 24/7, denying her any hope of privacy.

Anthony's parents have said loud and clear: Do NOT come home.

Those who disagree with the verdict have already issued death threats and are a clear and present danger to her safety and life-- and will be for a long time.

She cannot visit the restaurant of her choice, catch the latest Harry Potter movie, rent an apartment, purchase an automobile, or get her hair tended to without an armed escort.

That reality will be with her for some time.

In effect, Casey remains under “House Arrest” by those
who refuse to accept the findings of a duly-seated jury that
appears to have acted in accordance with instructions
issued by the presiding judge.

I have no way of knowing if Anthony murdered young Caylee; anyone who claims to know that of a certitude is a damn liar or damn fool, most likely an unflattering combination of both.

The point is that either we believe that our legal system works-- or we do not.

After the verdict has been rendered, and no egregious error of procedure is identified, it makes no sense whatsoever to second-guess the work of the 12 jurors who reviewed every piece of evidence and whom were exposed to all arguments, for and against.

Of course, one can disagree. That is the American way.

I do regret the fact that defense lawyers are not charged with seeking truth. Rather, they are paid, often handsomely, to create reasonable doubt.

Again, that is the American way!