
Great News from Libya: Gaddafi Compound Destroyed!

By John W. Lillpop

“Brother” Barack Obama, enjoying a spring boondoggle in Brazil, must have been too busy to pay attention to a very touching letter from Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

In that tear-jerker, the brutal butcher wrote,” To our son, his excellency, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. I have said to you before, that even if Libya and the United States of America enter into a war, god forbid, you will always remain a son. Your picture will not be changed."

Obama also ignored a letter from Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam. In his missive, Farrakhan addressed Obama as “Brother,” but then went on to criticize Obama’s participation in an attack on mutual brother, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

Despite these appeals to Obama’s soft spot for Islamic extremists, allied forces (probably British) flattened a compound on the grounds of the Gaddafi palatial edifice.

The only bad news is that Gaddafi was apparently not in the compound and lives on to commit genocide on another day.

Bleeding heart leftists, including some moon bat pundits, expressed outrage that the allied forces would actually threaten the murdering lunatic.

To which I say, Nonsense! Keep up the offensive until Gaddafi is pulverized to low-grade dust and sent to hell for eternity!