By John W. Lillpop
Rarely has there been a more opportune moment for the President of the United States to use his bully teleprompter to apologize to the world for American misbehavior than was the case during the Nobel Peace prize ceremony at Oslo.
Indeed, President Obama could have used his talent for ringing oratory to take America, and her leaders, to task for, among other things:
*Blatant hypocrisy in accepting a peace prize on the heels of a major escalation of hostilities in Afghanistan.
Only an immature, ego-driven narcissist would accept the prize under the circumstances, rather than declining in deference to his Constitutional responsibilities to 300 million Americans.
*Embarrassing arrogance and lack of sophisticated perspective, especially given the fact that the Nobel Prize was awarded solely as a political means for ridiculing a previous American president.
Only an ego maniacal poser would actually believe that he deserved the prize after just a few days in office.
*Boorish, childish behavior in snubbing the long-standing ceremony and protocol of the Nobel Prize.
Only a rank amateur from the mob-infested streets of Chicago would display such disrespect and scorn for an institution that has just honored him.
All things considered, the doings at Oslo could have been a banner event for those who savor anti-American rallies and rants.
However, there was one insurmountable problem: There was no way for Barack Obama to blame George W. Bush!
This was all about President Obama acting stupidly. As a result, no apologies were considered necessary, and none were offered.